Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Little Man

Well, for those who haven't heard, Cole was born Saturday (3-21) morning! He came a little early! We are beyond thrilled and definitely sleep deprived. :) But it's all worth it. He is handsome and healthy, and we praise God for sending us this little miracle. Jen and Cole are both doing well and adjusting perfectly.

OK - gotta go grab some sleep while we can! We'll update soon with more pics...


Anonymous said...

I was so EXCITED to figure it all out in facebook and now come to the blog and see COLE ! Can't wait for more photos. Love, Shirley Baugh

H Vest said...

He's perfect! So happy for you guys and so thankful to God for the blessing of this healthy little miracle. Looking forward to seeing more pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Brewer family. Looking forward to more pictures.

Melanie said...

Thank God for precious little boys! He is a cutie! Will- would you have thought when we were teaching that Wed. night class that just over a year later we would both have new babies? I didn't! I am so happy for you! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Amanda's News said...

Congrats cuz! I'm so glad everything went well:) Can't wait to see more pictures of your precious boy!!!