Friday, August 7, 2009

School Days, Rule Days

Well, folks, you can probably ascertain from the title of this post that summer, indeed, has come to a screeching halt as it always does this time each year - at least for Jennifer (much to her dismay). But it's also been a while since we've posted, so it's also time to update you on Cole and all his latest trickery!

He will be 5 months old in just a couple of weeks...! We can't believe it. He is such a happy-go-lucky kid and we are really enjoying this stage. We've heard that this is "God's curse" and that our next child will, therefore, be a holy terror. Although, I say that, and he's started to learn that he can use his lungs to voice his disapproval (i.e. eardrum-busting decibals of screaming)...but with a smile like the one below, who could stay mad at him for long?!?

Cole enjoys his Johnny-jumper

"Whatchu lookin' at?!"

He's also been learning how to roll over and also to sit up. He does great in the Bumbo...but not so good on his own, yet. He usually leans to one side or faceplants. :) We personally can't wait until he is sitting up on his own because he is TOO DARN HEAVY to carry in his carseat anymore! Speaking of, at a whopping 18 pounds, he is almost ready to graduate to the big boy carseat!
He continues to like to swing, play on his activity mat, and...stand up in your lap. This boy can't be content to just sit...if he's in your lap, he has to be standing! We've also discovered that, like his daddy, he likes to 'break it down' every now and again. He doesn't even need music!! We'll try to get a video of Cole dancing...and like we said before, he has discovered his voice, but we haven't been able to make out any syllables yet.
That's about it! We've been pretty bad lately about taking pictures...we'll try to work on that...but we never seem to have the camera around for those Kodak moments. Thanks for checking in - hope summer has treated you well!


Allison said...

He is so incredibly ADORABLE! We need to see yall again real real soon!

H Vest said...

I LOVE those big eyes. I want Cole and Nolan to meet real soon. It will be a while before we venture up to Knoxville, but when we do we'd love to stop and see you guys. Jen - I hope your return to school goes smoothly. I just started back to work this week. So far so good... Love you guys!

The Eberle Family said...

SO PRECIOUS!! I just want to squeeze him!! And I have to laugh because your almost 5 month old weighs as much as my almost 20 month old!! :) She is very petite though!! Miss you guys!!

Shannon said...

I think he looks like his Daddy. So precious. I hope your school schedule is not too strict and you can enjoy both mom and work with relatively little stress. I miss you.