Saturday, June 16, 2007

Most Outstanding Accomplishment

I was thinking today of my life and my most outstanding accomplishment. The event that stands out in my mind occurred last summer. I, along with 25 teens and guides, hiked along the Rocky Mountains with Wilderness Trek. This may not sound like a big deal to you, but we hiked to the top of a 14,000 foot mountain! We spent the week in the mountains "roughing" it, sleeping in tents (no showers), cooking our food and carrying all of this on our backs in packs. This experience changed my life. I took this time to just soak in God's creation and draw close to Him. Not only was this the most physically challenging thing I have done up to this point in my life, but it was also the most spiritually challenging and uplifting. This was truly a mountain top experience.


Ashley said...

We are so proud of you Jenn...I remember that week for you...You have really reached the mountaintop in alot of ways since then. Keep on truckin!

Julie said...

Truly a great accomplishment. You are my hero!